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Zans 95 m³

The wagon is designed for operation without any limitations on all European railway tracks, for climatic conditions with temperatures from –25 °C to +40 °C (T1 according to TSI), for transportation of ignition matters of Class 3 according to RID.

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Technical specification

Track Gauge 1 435 mm
Tare - Version A, B 24,2 t
Tare - Version C, D 23,8 t
Weight of loaded wagon 90 t
Maximum axle load 22,5 t
Bearing capacity at 22.5 t axle load - Version A, B 65,8 t
Bearing capacity at 22.5 t axle load - Version C, D 66,2
Max. speed of empty/loaded wagon 120/100 km/h
Type of bogie Y25 Ls-K
Brake Knorr KE-GP (K) – 1x12”
Tank volume 95 m³
Tank code L4BH
Design overpressure 1,0 MPa
Test overpressure 0,4 MPa
Working overpressure 0,3 MPa
External overpressure 0,04 MPa
Calculation temperature –20 °C/+50 °C
Manhole DN 500, EN 12561-6

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