Current free job positions
Right now, we are hiring people for jobs specified below. For more information, click to advertisement detail.
We are looking for brave and purposeful people, who want to be the best. We will be glad to welcome those, who do are not afraid to accept new challenges and who head purposefully forward. We are looking for talents and we say it aloud. We are hiring for various jobs and we expand our team.
We create an inspiring environment and we are glad when our employees accept new challenges, which improve their professionalism.
Are you looking for a job in a stable company, are you interested in the world of machinery and do you like wagons, do you want to utilize your knowledge, experience and do you want to become a part of our team? Do not hesitate and contact us.
Do you want to compete for a job in our company?
You can register for the selection procedure by:
- Replying to a specific job offer (tab CAREER- vacant jobs),
- By sending your request for a job (motivational letter and CV) and by agreeing to personal data processing form to the email address or by post to the address Tatravagónka a.s. Poprad, Štefániková 887/53, Poprad.
Motivational letter and CV
Your CV should contain all important information related to you:
- Personal and contact data (name, surname, address, contact data),
- Achieved educational level and completed trainings, valid certificates,
- Working experience,
- Language skills, computer skills,
- Consent with personal data processing.
In the motivational letter, you can specify why is it you, who is an ideal candidate for the job in our company.
Telephone contact: 0918 735 724, 0918 735 710.
Tatravagónka a.s. Poprad
Štefániková 887/53
058 01 Poprad
Selection procedure
We consider the selection procedure to be a bilateral process – we are looking for suitable candidates not only based upon professional skills, but we put emphasis also upon personal characteristics, potential, interests and motivation of applicants.
On the basis of defined criteria for the job in question and on the basis of CV selection, we invite the applicants fulfilling the criteria for a personal meeting. We thank other, who will not be contacted, for an interest in working for our company. All applicants that participated in the selection procedure are informed about the results within two weeks after the final round of the selection procedure.
We believe that you will become a part of our team and that you will help us to create a successful future of our company.